Purcell, Z. A., Charbit, L., Borst, G., & Nussberger, A.-M. (2024). Divergent Moral Preferences of AI Builders versus AI Users. Preprint. https://osf.io/sm5hk
Purcell, Z. A., Jakesch, M., Dong, M., Nussberger, A.-M., & Köbis, N. (2024). Experimental Evidence for Efficiency Gains on Trust via AI-Mediated Communication. Preprint. https://osf.io/tb37z
Purcell, Z. A., Dong, M., Nussberger, A.-M., Köbis, N., & Jakesch, M. (2024). People have different expectations for their own versus others’ use of AI-mediated communication tools. British Journal of Psychology, (n/a). https://doi.org/10.1111/bjop.12727
Purcell, Z. A., & Bonnefon, J.-F. (2023). Humans feel too special for machines to score their morals. PNAS Nexus, 2(6), pgad179. https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgad179
Purcell, Z. A., & Bonnefon, J.-F. (2023). Research on Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping Our Definition of Morality. Psychological Inquiry, 34(2), 100–101. https://doi.org/10.1080/1047840X.2023.2248857
Purcell, Z. A.*, Roberts*, A. J., Handley, S. J., & Howarth*, S. (2023). Eye Movements, Pupil Dilation, and Conflict Detection in Reasoning: Exploring the Evidence for Intuitive Logic. Cognitive Science, 47(6), e13293. https://doi.org/10.1111/cogs.13293
Purcell, Z. A., Wastell, C. A., & Sweller, N. (2022). Eye movements reveal that low confidence precedes deliberation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76(7), 1539–1546. https://doi.org/10.1177/17470218221126505
Purcell, Z. A., Wastell, C. A., Howarth, S., Roberts, A. & Sweller, N. (2022). Eye tracking and the cognitive reflection test: Evidence for intuitive correct responding and uncertain heuristic responding. Memory & Cognition. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13421-021-01224-8
Purcell, Z. A., Wastell, C. A., & Sweller, N. (2021). Domain-specific experience and dual-process thinking. Thinking and Reasoning, 27(2), 239–267. https://doi.org/10.1080/13546783.2020.1793813
Wastell, C. A., Purcell, Z., Howarth, S., Paterson, W., & Slocombe, B. (2018). The development of Complex Emergent Modularity: A reply to Favela, Amon, & van Rooij (2018). Theory & Psychology, 28(4), 568–571. https://doi.org/10.1177/0959354318758213
Talks and Posters
Purcell, Z. A., Rahwan, I. & Bonnefon, J. F. (2022) The quantified moral self. Poster at ESCoP, Lille, France 2022.
Purcell, Z. A., Rahwan, I. & Bonnefon, J. F. (2022) The quantified moral self. Flash talk at CogSci, Toronto, Canada 2022.
Purcell, Z., A. Wastell., C., Sweller, N. & Howarth, S. (2021). Dual process theory and the automation hypothesis: Can Type 2 processes become Type 1 processes? Talk in symposium “Advances in Dual Process Theory” at the International Conference on Thinking, Paris, France.
Purcell, Z. A., Wastell., C., Sweller, N. & Howarth, S. (2021). Uncertainty predicts working memory engagement: Evidence from eye movements and confidence ratings. Talk in symposium “Metareasoning” at the International Conference on Thinking, Paris, France.
Purcell, Z. A. & Wastell, C. (2017). Working memory load and mathematical expertise interact to influence Cognitive Reflections Test performance. Talk at the European Society of Cognitive Psychology conference, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany.
Purcell, Z. A. & Wastell, C. (2017). Complex Emergent Modularity Theory of Thinking: Its origins and initial scrutiny. Invited speaker at the Human Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar at the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Purcell, Z. (2017). Theories of Reasoning and Thinking: Integrating Dual Process Theory, Predictive Process Theory and Global Workspace Theory. Invited speaker at the Dynamic Learning and Decision-Making Lab, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.
Purcell, Z., Kilby, C., Teunisse, A. & Freeman, L. (2019). Amazon’s Mechanical Turk: The good, the bad, and the bots. Symposium for the Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
Wastell, C., Purcell, Z. & Howarth, S. (2018). Responding to Novel Problems: Complex Emergent Modularity and Predictive Processing. Paper presented at the Predictive Engines: Andy Clark and Predictive Processing, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. Presented by Colin Wastell.
Wastell, C., Duncan, P., Purcell, Z., Slocome, B. & Green, O. (2018) Human-Machine Integration: Legal and Ethical Decision Support. Presentation at the Program Tyche: Strategic Research Initiative in Trusted Autonomous Systems, Australian Defence Science and Technology, Edinburgh, Australia.
Purcell, Z., Wastell., C. & Sweller, N. (2016). An exploration of expertise and theories of reasoning. Paper presented at the International Conference on Thinking, Brown University, Providence, USA.
Wastell., C. & Purcell, Z. (2016). Complex Emergent Modularity – A new approach reasoning research. Poster presented at the International Conference on Thinking, Brown University, Providence, USA.
Purcell, Z. (2015). Friend or Foe: Separate Visual Processing for Ingroup and Outgroup Faces. Presentation at the Australian Conference of Undergraduate Research, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. Awarded “Best Paper”.
Presenters in bold.